Saturday, September 27, 2014

Coach for Cure MD

Today was Coach for Cure Day in college football. Kevin was asked to go to the Marist College- San Diego game. Before the game, Kevin said to his mom, "I'm so excited to go to the football game. At the game, he got an autographed ball and a jersey. Kevin was honored because he was helping bring awareness to Duchenne through the popularity of college football.

At every televised game in the country, coaches are wearing Coach to Cure MD armbands to support the MD fight.

If you would like to contribute to the Coach for Cure foundation, click the link below.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

World Duchenne Awareness Day

Today is the first World Duchenne Awareness day. Pope Francis said "September 7, 2014 will be celebrated for the first time, all around the world, the international Duchenne Awareness Day." This is a very joyous day for all Duchenne families because the world can now recognize and see how destructive this disease can be. I hope now that because the Pope has made this declaration, it will bring that much more awareness to the situation and as a result, generate more money in terms of donations for research. That give doctors and scientists more resources at their disposal and hopefully bring them one step closer to a cure.

Also, in response to the Pope's declaration, Parent Project began sharing virtual balloons today. When you visit the Parent Project page, be sure to share it on your own personal social media pages, whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

I wonder how many people sent out balloons today? I hope there were many. The virtual balloon project is like my Bar Mitzvah project in that is raising awareness for Duchenne. Let me know if you shared a balloon. I know I'm going to be sharing one.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Yard Sale

At my mom's yard sale last week, I sold bracelets to 17 bracelets. I made $35 in two days. I was very happy because I opened my mouth. I'm normally shy about my project but when I shared about what I was doing, they listen and contributed. Everyone of them said that what I was doing was for a good cause and that they will pray for the Kearney family. Thank you everyone for buying! I'm hoping to sell 100 more bracelets before my Bar Mitzvah.

Adwar Family

Brenda and Cocoa

Me selling Bracelets

Packing bracelets with Braden

Sepede Family

Terri and her friend

Melody and her Husband